Greece Confidential

Fifty shades of blue


1 September, 2022

Catch up for a last summery weekend in the Caribbean of Greece – Lichadonisia, Northern Evia. “Golden” sandy beaches, turquoise warm waters and the feeling of exotic paradise is the best way to say goodbye to summer.

This handful of small islets scattered in the endless blue northwest of Evia, between the Malian and the North Euboean Gulf, is as breathtaking as the Caribbean.

Created from a volcanic eruption, the islets were named after Hercules’ servant, Lichas. Legend has it that Deianira, the wife of Hercules, who was a great cheater, sent her husband a poisoned tunic with Lichas.

When Hercules put it on, he suffered agonizing pain and impulsively grabbed his servant and hurled him into the sea. His body was dismembered and parts of it landed across Cape Kinaion, where Poseidon turned them into the islets known today as Lichadonisia. On the largest island of the complex, Manolia, you will find a popular beach with sunbeds, umbrellas and a beach bar.

Adventure seekers will enjoy a free dive to the shipwreck- at a depth of only 6 meters- on the west side of the islet. If you are lucky enough, you will be joined by the permanent dwellers of Lichadonisia, the amazingly cute Mediterranean monk seals.

A unique experience
Are you a scuba diving fan? You’ll not be able to resist exploring the turquoise blue-green water. Mind you, if you’re in luck you might get to swim alongside seals; they are plentiful and very social.